13 September 2009

Incredible Indonesia

When I left for Indonesia on June 10th, I knew that I would learn so much in the next 45 days. And I learned more than I thought I would learn and saw more than I ever thought I would see. I attended 32 births. I saw many many complications. I wanted to see complications in a bad sort of good way. Who wants to really see them, but I needed to see them for the experience. I saw things that some homebirth midwives would never see in their practices. I mastered some skills and learned some new ones. Sutured a perineum! Many breastfeeding hours put in. Many 36 hours days.

Joys: seeing women become mothers and men become fathers, palpating so many tummies, sitting at the feet of an amazing mentor, a VBAC mom with vertical scar push for 6 hours and never stop, the birth song as each baby emerges. Sorrows: mothers disappointed in having girls, seeing previous birth traumas, some I still can't bring myself to share.

I went tentatively and unsure as a student midwife. I came back a strong, confident midwife.

Indonesia changed me. I left a chunk of my heart behind. And I have to go back and find it.



At 1:48 AM, Blogger rcsnickers said...

I do hope you feel led to share what you can on some of the birth stories from there. And the birth song? What is that????

Overall, I am beyond thrilled you got the experience. I know it will make you a better midwife!

At 1:23 PM, Blogger DrJacquieB said...

Third time trying to email or comment. My computer keeps eating my attempts.
Another great book, also required reading from AAMI is Gentle Birth, Gentle Mothering by Dr. Sarach J Buckley. It has a very large bibio with many many referremces. Dr. Buckley addresses every type of intervention and it's effect even years later on both mother and baby. Even links drug abuse to some interventions. Great reading. If I were to have another baby, it would only be natural birth after reading this book.
I want to be a midwife missionary from Calvaray Chapel in Thailand. If you have time I need to know about the clinic you are doing your experience. Can I get my NARM experience there?
AAMI requires in their blanket project to donate to countries, midwives, and birth clinics in need. Can I use you for my donations? Otther than PRAYER (you are on my daily prayer list), blankets and infant clothes what do you need?
For a single person buying her own supplies what is an estimate of needed finances? I will come to Thailand as a retiree expartite. I have 2 pensions and social security. My church and missionary friends in Thailand located by you, could not help me on fiancial support for a single person or on midwife pacticum/internship. Any information will be more than welcomed.
May God bless you above what you can think or ask
Jacquie Balodis

At 10:53 AM, Blogger Erin said...

HI Jacquie, I emailed you yesterday with a response to your hotmail address. Erin


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