14 December 2008

I'm going to Indonesia !!!!

I applied to a birth clinic in Indonesia. We found out yesterday that I've been accepted for a short-term apprenticeship next June and July! The whole family will go!

From what I understand right now, we will rent a house within walking distance. My husband can bring the twins over whenever they need to nurse or I can run home quick when I get a minute here or there. Flights from Bangkok are cheap. I pay a monthly student fee to the birth center for training. Because I'm a beginner it will be just beginning clinical skills and most likely not catching babies, which is fine with me. I'm excited to get to learn anything in such a wonderful setting. The head midwife is a CPM from the USA. I can't wait to meet her and learn as much as I can from her as well.

Not much else to tell for now but I'll be getting more information over the next few months.

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At 9:37 AM, Blogger Ruth Ann said...

Hurray!!!! Can't wait to hear more!

At 9:47 PM, Blogger Emily said...

Great news...glad things are coming together to make your dream reality!

At 8:57 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Erin, I just stumbled upon your blog. I'm going in September and so excited! I'll add your blog to my blogroll so we can keep up with each other. :)

Gina Gerboth, IBCLC, intern midwife, Colorado

At 3:11 AM, Blogger gunter fam said...

so fabulous! we are still trying to get everything lined up to go in june.


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