I know this blog has been quiet, but I've been working! Every 3 months AAMI (my midwifery school) does a drawing and one of the prizes is 1/2 off tuition scholarship. To be a part of the drawing, you're given about 20 questions over a 3 month period. These questions have to be well researched with citations given. Not easy. I could only do about 7 of them. BUT, I won a scholarship! So, I called Carla, the head of the school and we talked for about half an hour. She totally thinks I can do the whole program from here and was also so excited to have a Christian missionary enrolling. She said she'd do anything she could to help me out with finding books and such.
So, I enrolled! And the neat thing is that I can postpone my start date for up to a year. I decided that August 1st would be a good starting time because a) I have time to get my house ready and study area set up b) twins will be over a year old and more routined with afternoon naps, c) regular school will be starting soon after that d) I'll have had the summer to collect textbooks. I'm so so excited!!!
On a different topic, I'm writing 3 articles for the pregnancy/parenting magazine that is a part of BAMBI (Babies & Mothers of Bangkok Int'l). It's a 3-part series: Breastfeeding Toddlers, Breastfeeding during Pregnancy, Tandem Breastfeeding. I've really enjoyed doing the research since it's relevant to me as well. I'm not only nursing 6mo old twins... I'm also still nursing my over 2-yr old as well. It's got it's own set of challenges! I'll post the articles as they are done. Also I still need to post the adventure of my friend having an unassisted birth at my house.
Having twins is busy busy, but I am so thankful to live in a country where I can hire someone to help me, which also gives me a little bit of free time to study and do what I love!
Labels: AAMI, BAMBI, breastfeeding, midwifery, school