New Life Childbirth!
I have been just too busy to blog! We are leaving for a visit to the States in less than 4 weeks. Things to order online, packing lists, to buy lists, collecting things to keep Grace busy on the plane, finding places to stay. If our families only knew just how much is involved for a 7 week trip!
New Life Childbirth. That's the offical chosen name for the business. It'll work for what I'm doing now and will still work for midwifery as well. It is not overtly Christian, but obviously has the double meaning. I'm still working on coming up with a logo. Not a good artist. I'll have to try to get Dayton to make something for me... though he tends to be better at drawing armor, tanks, airplanes, and guns...
And, it's official! I've been asked to teach a childbirth education class in September. Now I'm trying to finish up the requirements I need so I can count it towards my certification with CBI. I need to find a place to teach it that has the facilities I need. I'd teach it at my house, but it feels too crowded with just 4 adults in it! I'm now hunting for the supplies and videos I need. I wasn't planning on bringing the laptop with us for our trip, but I'm going to have to if I plan on getting all of my handouts, lessonplans, and visuals done in time.
Have I mentioned I have my first official doula client as well? She is so excited and has plenty of questions. Her mom is happy that someone who's had a baby before will be there to support her. There are 2 other expecting couples at my church so I'm hoping they'll be interested in either doula support or a childbirth class.
My neighbor is about ready to have her baby. I told her that if the baby comes to fast, send someone to get me and I can help. I just say that I'm studying to be a midwife, not fully trained, but I can try to help. Now I'm just hoping for a precipitious labor LOL I can only dream, but it would be fun!
Had a nice mother's day. Or "Monster's Day" as Grace called it. Here's a pic from Sunday.